About Mabreunia

The Republic of Mabruenia, (Mab-re-nia), also known as just Mabruenia, is a sovereign nation located in New Mexico, completely surrounded by the United States. With a total area of 21,009.61 m² , it is one of the smallest nations. Mabruenia is located in the South western United States, with a dry climate. The nation was established sometime on January 12th 2023, but fell due to president Lily not knowing exactly how to run it. The official date of establishment however is February 5th, 2023, and the day is declared a national holiday. It was a republic for three months, and then for 11 days, it became a consitutional monarchy, and then changed back to a republic. The Republic of Mabruenia has yet to have a airforce, navy, or military, but it will be created eventually. The military however, will only be used for defensive purposes. The capital is De jure Grugow. The national anthem is called "Our glorious Republic", and the national motto is ''Libertad y Paz", which means "Liberty and Justice". The nation has a total of 20 citizens, 8 of which are global citizens.

This site is verified as the official site for the Republic of Mabruenia, and accurately represents the information present.